There are 10 legends of Cracow.

I want to intruduce some of them.



All know, that Cracow is a magic city. The controversial legend advoctaes today,that it has the relationship of chacram, that is the holy mysterious stone hidden on The Vavel hill and it is the source of unusual energy. Others think, that it is the nonsense, but anothers else believe in power of the stone. Vavel is a magic place, with the special energy, here you can rest and feel relaxation. Maybe it has the relationship with the chacram . The radiesthesian measurements showed, that “heart” of the chacram is situated in undergrounds of the western wing of the castle, in the St. George chapel. Here, there is a negative ionization, which influences on general relaxation. The Cracovian’s legend has connection with Hindu’s god Shiva, who threw the seven magic stones in the seven sides of the world. One of them hit on Vavel. Hindus arrived here in to pray and why ?Now we know why?


Help Poor and homeless animals.24.04.2024

            A Dog’s Soul

               The Polish title:” Psia Dusza”


Every dog must have a soul
Somewhere deep inside
Where all his hurts and grievances
Are buried with his pride.
Where he decides the good and bad,
The wrong way from the right,
And where his judgment carefully
It is hidden from our sight.
A dog must have a secret place
Where every thought abides,
A sort of close acquaintance that
He trusts in and confides.
And when accused unjustly for
Himself, He cannot speak,
Rebuked, He finds within his soul
The comfort he must seek.
He’ll love, though He is unloved,
And he’ll serve those badly used,
And one kind word will wipe away
The times when he’s abused.
Although his heart may break in two
His love will still be whole,
Because God gave to every dog
An understanding Soul!


by Polish poet :Barbara Borzymowska

Translations by Unknown Author 

Cats – very inteligent pets too .


Hug a dog to your heart and a cat take on your knees,

It will never betray you,it only can love you,

So not much wants,only some love and something to eat.

Only look at it,isn’t it sweet?

And when you have a bad day

You will meet its faithful loving eyes

with its coax and murmur it will calm

and cheer up you.

It really doesn’t want so much,

but with the love and faithful it will bestow you

with its unconditional love

because its heart is so big,

even larger than the same cat or the same dog.

Look at it closer exactly,

doesn’t its sad view touch you???

by me.

The human cruelty in the face to animals is horrible,and the human nature we can know after their relation to animals.Therefore also , I can’t call the many people with the human beings.


emot2              enmoticon

by noramaj



A H A P P Y E A S T E R !!!

This year EASTER as the traditional holiday in the Spring is in March with EASTER emblams of this time as varied and numerous from fluffy

Happy Easter=Wesołych Świąt

1 -day-old chickens or ducks,hares,baby rabbits and newborn lambs to springtime flowers like daffodils,dangling catkins and arum lily.All signify some aspect of Nature’s reawakennig.Yet the emblem which surpasses all in popularity is The Easter egg.At one time, eggs were among the foods forbidden during Lent,and the custom arose for people to paint them in gey colors and to give them to friends, members of family and relations as a mark of effection and joy. In my country is the tradition to dye or paint of egg’s shells with different colors or different decorations.

All true gifts express effection and remembrance and a symbol of hope and promise for all spring and summer.We seldom ask ourselves how eggs first became a Christian symbol. First eggs were associated with the idea of eternity and the people used to offer them to their gods in thanksgiving at their spring holidays. The Christian saw that they are the perfect symbol for Resurection which symbolise the reawakennig of Jesus Christ.Todays they are rather colorful addition to decorate this holiday.

Happy Ester to all of you then.

The new photos of my cats

People tell that black cats bring bad fate, but it isn’t true.They are loving and gentle and they love their owners.

I always have had only black or black and white once.These ones I call The three Muskieters and they are kind and quiet.I love them and they love me.

Ares – my dog,all black-Filut and black and white -Puszek.They liked slepping together.

Filut in the rabbit’s cage and the rabbit is watching what Filut does in it.

On the left the youngest Cypisek,next to him Bunio,his older brother and on the right Filut,the oldest my cat.I love all of them.

The Legend Of CRACOW my favourite City In POLAND

There are 10 legends of Cracow.I want to intruduce some of them.
This the first one about the Cracow’s Dragon.The Legend of the Dragon of WAWEL.

The 1 st Legend.

Some centuries ago,the most horrible fire-belching dragon lived in a cave at the foot of the Wawel’s Hill, a monster that ravaged the nearby meadows by devouring grazing cattle. The bravest knights tried to overcome it   but in vain. Before they could draw their swords, the fire from the beast’s mouth killed them,
The king, who reigned at that time,sent out his heralds to announce that whosoever could kill the dragon would marry his daughter as a reward and sit on his throne after his death. Contenders encouraged by such a handsome offer came, but they were killed too .The king despaired, while the king’s daughter wrung her hands not expecting ever to be married. The dragon-ravaged the country and it became poorer and poorer.
Then a shoemaker named Skuba decided to conquer the beast by a unique strategy. After stuffing a fat ram with sulphur, he placed the tasty tidbit at the cave’s entrance. The dragon, being greedy as well as stupid, swallowed the treacherous gift in one mouthful. Its throat started burning so it ran to the nearby The Vistula river, gulping down so much water that it burst with a great bang, thus the town and the surrounding countryside was freed of its terror. Another legend tells that this shoemaker was named Krak too.

The shoemaker married the king’s daughter, and after the monarch’s death, ascended to the throne. The town, he rescued of the dragon, took its name from this shoemaker’s name and it bears to this day with great honour – the old capital of Poland, Krakow.
Other legend tells that it was the Great Cracovian’s joy, and the shoemaker cut out many pairs of shoes from the dead dragon’s skin. How the legend advoctae, to today it can buy them in Sukiennice(Cloth Hall). – the dragon became the icon of Cracow – today the dragon would not survive because it fed only with virgins. About conquesting the dragon it reminds the sculpture standing at the foot of Vavel designed by Limping Bronisław,

By me


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Where is this spring?
Or would the spring forget or lost the way to us?
Or maybe someone stole the spring???

It is still snowing and it is still winter,
instead of colourful eggs, chickens and rabbits

The nature’s reawakening!

This time there are varied and numerous of symbols like  fluffy day-old chicks,hares,baby rabbits  and newborn lambs to spring flowers like daffodils,dangling catkins and the arum lilies. Execept of all those emblems of spring  there are the symbol like Easter-eggs  which would be unimaginable like Christmas without the Christmas trees or stocking filled with toys or other gifts. Easter eggs usually are associated with the idea of eternity  and the ancient Chinese used to offer up eggs to their gods in thanksgiving at their spring festivals. At one time, eggs were among the foods forbidden during Lent and the custom arose for people to paint them in gay colours and to give them to friends and relations as a mark of affection and rejoicing  when Easter brought The Lenten fast to an end.

The dyeing or painting of egg-shells is a pleasant custom which is still maintened. All  true egg-gifts in the spring of the year express affection and remembrance,but in addition to these,  they come as a symbol of hope and promise,banishing uncertainty.In Spring time I like  painting eggs for the  relations or  friends as  gifts.Here there are my gifts I made  this year-spring for Easter- a basked with flowers and an egg and same egg.

Winter is passing by what it means that spring time is coming soon waking from  the winter dream bringing more warm sunny days, flowers,greeness,coming back birds and fresh spring air, but this time here some last winter images yet.

NOT only frozen sparrows are looking forward
the spring time with its warm days.

It is hard
to find something for eating and this cold hard
time is lasting too long for them, not only for them
but for all creatures